Jumat, 06 November 2009

Membuat Router dengan NAT pada Windows XP

Di dalam Windows, ada sebuah tool yang digunakan untuk memanajemen network seperti mensetting IP address, menyiapkan routing, dsb. Tool ini namanya netsh (singkatan dari network shell). Untuk menggunakan netsh ini dalam membuat router, kita akan membutuhkan 2 NIC (Network Interface Card). NIC yang pertama adalah untuk terhubung ke network publik (misal: Internet) dan yang lainnya adalah untuk terhubung ke LAN (Local Area Network). Untuk NIC LAN, bisa dihubungkan ke switch atau ke satu komputer (diperlukan kabel crossover).

Cara berikut adalah untuk membuat Windows XP bekerja sebagai NAT, tetapi tanpa batasan dari ICS (Internet Connection Sharing).

Kebutuhan :

  1. Dua buah kartu jaringan (NIC) :
    1. NIC1: terhubung ke jaringan internal (LAN). (Network apa saja, tidak terbatas pada
    2. NIC2: terhubung ke jaringan Internet (atau jaringan lain yang ingin dihubungkan).
  2. Mempunyai hak akses administrasi untuk menghentikan/memulai services.
Langkah-langkah membuat Router dengan NAT pada Windows XP :
  1. Nonaktifkan ICS pada kedua NIC.
    1. Klik kanan pada NIC > Properties > Advanced. Pastikan Allow other network users to connect through this computer’s Internet connection tidak dicont(r)eng.
  2. Menonaktifkan Firewall/ICS Service (boleh lebih dulu dari langkah 1).
    1. Buka Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services > Windows Firewall/Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) > klik 2x dan ubah Startup type menjadi “Disabled” dan klik OK.
  3. Mengaktifkan layanan Routing and Remote Access.
    1. Jika menggunakan Category View :Buka Control Panel > Performance and Maintenance > Administrative Tools > Services > Routing and Remote Access > klik 2x dan ubah Startup type menjadi “Automatic” dan klik OK.
    2. Jika tidak : Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services > Routing and Remote Access > klik 2x dan ubah Startup type menjadi “Automatic” dan klik OK.
  4. Mengaktifkan “IPEnableRouter” pada registry.
    1. Buka Start > Run… dan ketik “regedit”, tanpa tanda petik “ ”, Klik OK.
    2. Pada window Registry Editor: buka HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SYSTEM > CurrentControlSet > Services > Tcpip > Parameters. Cari “IPEnableRouter”. Klik 2x dan ubah value dari 0 menjadi 1.
    3. Restart komputer.
  5. Melakukan konfigurasi NIC:
    1. Cukup satu saja yang memiliki gateway (Misal: NIC2). Hapus gateway pada NIC yang satunya. (NIC1)
    2. (Opsional) Lakukan perubahan nama pada NIC1(Namanya mungkin “Local Area Connection”) menjadi “LAN” dan NIC2(Namanya mungkin “Local Area Connection 2”) menjadi “Internet”. Tujuannya disini untuk memudahkan mengenali tiap NIC.
  6. Mengaktifkan dan mengkonfigurasi NAT.
    1. Klik tombol Start > Run…
    2. Ketik cmd pada Open dan klik OK
    3. Ketik netsh routing ip nat uninstall (untuk menjamin services tidak aktif)
    4. Instalasi NAT : Ketik netsh routing ip nat install
    5. Menambahkan interface publik : Ketik netsh routing ip nat add interface name=”Internet” mode=FULL
    6. Menambahkan interface private : Ketik netsh routing ip nat add interface name=”LAN” mode=PRIVATE

Konfigurasi pada PC Client :

PC Client harus dikonfigurasi menggunakan subnet yang sama dengan router. Ubah default gateway dan DNS server menjadi IP address pada router.

Contoh :


  • NIC1 “LAN” :
    • IP Address :
    • Subnet mask :
    • Default gateway : dikosongkan
    • DNS Server : dikosongkan
  • NIC2 “Internet” :
    • IP Address :
    • Subnet mask :
    • Default gateway :
    • DNS Server :
PC Client
  • Client 01 :
    • IP Address :
    • Subnet mask :
    • Default gateway :
    • DNS Server :
  • Client 02 :
    • IP Address :
    • Subnet mask :
    • Default gateway :
    • DNS Server :
  • dst.
Dan sekarang LAN anda bisa terhubung ke internet menggunakan NAT.

Setting Modem Speedy

Adsl Modem SMC

Default IP:
Default password: smcadmin

Setting Bridge:

  1. Klik WAN
  2. Clik ATM PVC
  3. Klik VCI
  4. Protocol: 1483 Bridging, VLAN: Default, VPI/VCI: 0/35, Encapsulation: LLC, Qos Class: UBR, PCR/SCR/MBS: 4000/4000/10
  5. Klik Save Settings

Setting PPPoE:

  1. Klik WAN
  2. Klik ATM PVC
  3. Klik VCI
  4. Protocol: PPPoE, VPI/VCI: 8/81, Encapsulation: LLC, QoS Class: UBR, PCR/SCR/MBS: 4000/4000/10, IP assigned by ISP: Yes, IP Address:, Subnet Mask:, Connect Type: Always Connected, Idle Time (Minute): 5, Username: nmrspeedy@telkom.net, Password: (password dari telkom), Confirm Password: , MTU: 1492
  5. Save Settings

Adsl Modem ZyXeL


Default IP:
Default username: admin
Default password: 1234

Setting Bridge

  1. Pilih Network
  2. Pilih WAN
  3. Mode: Bridge, Encapsulation: RFC 1483, Multiplexing: LLC, VPI: 0, VCI: 35, Apply
  4. Pilih Maintenance
  5. Pilih Tools
  6. Restart

Setting PPPoE

  1. Pilih Network
  2. Pilih WAN
  3. Mode: Routing, Encapsulation: PPPoE, Username: ( nmrspeedy@telkom.net), Password: (password speedy), Service Name: Speedy, Multiplexing: LLC, VPI: 0, VCI: 35, IP Address: Obtain an IP Address Automatically, Connection: Nailed-Up Connnection, Apply
  4. Klik Maintenance
  5. Klik Tools
  6. Restart

Adsl Modem Shiro

Default IP:
Default username: admin
Default password: admin

Setting Bridge:

  1. Klik Advanced
  2. Klik WAN
  3. Klik New Connection
  4. Connection Name: Speedy, Type: Bridge, VPI: 0, VCI: 35, and Submit
  5. Save Settings
  6. Restart Router

Setting PPPoE:

  1. Pilih Advanced
  2. Pilih WAN
  3. Klik New Connection
  4. Connection Name: Speedy, Type: PPPoE, Sharing: Enable, Encapsulation: LLC, Username: nmrspeedy@telkom.net, Password: (password dari telkom), VPI: 0, VCI: 35, and Submit
  5. Save Settings
  6. Restart Router

Adsl Modem Aztech

Default IP:
Default username: admin
Default password: admin

Setting Bridge:

  1. Klik Advanced
  2. Klik WAN
  3. Klik New Connection
  4. Connection Name: Speedy, Type: Bridge, VPI: 0, VCI: 35, and Submit.
  5. Save Settings
  6. Restart Router

Setting PPPoE/Router:

  1. Klik Advanced
  2. Klik WAN
  3. Klik New Connection
  4. Connection Name: Speedy, Type: PPPoE, Sharing: Enable, Encapsulation: LLC, Username: nmrspeedy@telkom.net, Password: (password dari telkom), VPI: 0, VCI: 35, and Submit.
  5. Save Settings
  6. Restart Router

Adsl Modem TECOM


Default ip:
Default username: admin
Default password: admin

Setting Bridge:

  1. Klik Advanced Setup
  2. Klik WAN
  3. Klik Edit
  4. ATM PVC Configuration, VPI=0; VCI=35, Service Category: UBR Without PCR, Next
  5. Connection Type Bridging, Encapsulation Mode LLC/SNAP-BRIDGING, Next
  6. Cheklist Enable Bridge Service, Service Name: Speedy, Next
  7. WAN Setup - Summary, Save
  8. Save/Reboot

Setting PPPoE:

  1. Klik Advanced Setup
  2. Klik WAN
  3. Klik Edit
  4. ATM PVC Configuration, VPI=0; VCI=35, Service Category: UBR Without PCR, Next
  5. Connection Type PPP over Ethernet (PPPoE), Encapsulation Mode LLC/SNAP-BRIDGING, Next
  6. Put your PPP Username: nmrspeedy@telkom.net; PPP Password: (password dari telkom); PPPoE Service Name: Speedy, Next
  7. Cheklist Enable WAN Service, Service Name: Speedy, Next
  8. WAN Setup - Summary, Save
  9. Save/Reboot

Adsl Modem Billion


  1. Login To:
  2. User name = admin; Password = password dari telkom
  3. Klik -> OK
  4. Klik: Quick Start
  5. Edit Connection:
    Encapsulation = PPPoE LLC
    Bridge = Enabled
    Setting VPI = 0 dan VCI = 35 , and Than
    Static IP Setting
    IP Address =
    subnet mask =
    Gateway =
  6. Klik: - Submit
  7. Klik: Submit
  8. Wait Till process Configuration done !
  9. Configuration Done !

Modem Prolink

  1. Login To -> http://
    User Name: admin
    Password: password
    Klik . . . . OK
  2. Chose Configurasi WAN:
  3. Select Adapter: Pilih Pvc3 (Indonesia)
  4. Edit Field:
    Bridge = Enable
    Encapsulation = 1483 Bridge IP LLC
    ATM VPI = 0
    ATM VCI = 35
  5. Static IP Setting: “ just blank “
    IP Address = just empty
    Subnet Mask = just empty
    Gateway = just empty
    User Name = username@telkom.com. . . . . . ( optional ) *
    Password = xxxxxxxx . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .( optional ) *
    * If you choose to put username & password there just double clik explorer
    * If you not choose to put username & password there you have to create new connection at Network Connection
  6. Create New Connection (Bridge) See here..>>
  7. Than Next:
  8. * Klik Submit
  9. * Klik Save Configuration
  10. Next: Save Reboot ….

Adsl Modem D-Link


Default IP:
Default username: admin
Default password: admin

Setting Bridge:

  1. Klik Setup
  2. Klik Connection
  3. Bridge Connection Setup. Name: Speedy; Type: Bridge; Encapsulation: LLC; VPI=0; VCI=35, Apply
  4. Klik Tools
  5. Klik System Commands, Save All, Restart

Setting PPPoE/Router:

  1. Klik Setup
  2. Klik Connection
  3. Bridge Connection Setup. Name: Speedy; Type: PPPoE; Username: nmrspeedy@telkom.net; Password: (password dari telkom); VPI=0; VCI=35, Apply
  4. Klik Tools
  5. Klik System Commands. Save All, Restart

Adsl Modem Repotec

  1. Buka Internet Explorer ketik:
  2. Username: admin & Password: epicrouter
  3. Klik: OK
  4. Klik WAN
  5. Pic Adapter: Pvc0
  6. Klik Submit
  7. Virtual Circuit = Enabled
  8. Bridge & IGMP = Disable
  9. Each region was different from another region and for Bandung vpi:0 , vci: 35
  10. Service Category = UBR without PCR
  11. Protocol/Conection type = PPPoE
  12. Encapsulation = LLC/Snap-Bridging
  13. Put Username & Password from your provider
  14. Klik Submit.
  15. Klik Save Configuration (wait till Saving configuration done.)
  16. put DNS: &

Adsl Modem Dareglobal

Default IP:
Default username: admin
Default password: admin

Setting Bridge:

  1. Klik Advanced Setup
  2. Klik WAN
  3. Find VPI/VCI: 8/81, Klik Edit
  4. ATM PVC Configuration, VPI=0; VCI=35, Service Category: UBR Without PCR, Next
  5. Connection Type Bridging, Encapsulation Mode LLC/SNAP-BRIDGING, Next
  6. Cheklist Enable Bridge Service, Service Name: Speedy, Next
  7. WAN Setup - Summary, Save
  8. Save/Reboot

Setting PPPoE:

  1. Klik Advanced Setup
  2. Klik WAN
  3. Cari VPI/VCI: 0/35, Klik Edit
  4. ATM PVC Configuration, VPI=0; VCI=35, Service Category: UBR Without PCR, Next
  5. Connection Type PPP over Ethernet (PPPoE), Encapsulation Mode LLC/SNAP-BRIDGING, Next
  6. Put your PPP Username: Nomorspeedy@telkom.net; PPP Password: (password dari telkom); PPPoE Service Name: Speedy, Next
  7. Centang Enable WAN Service, Service Name: Speedy, Next
  8. WAN Setup - Summary, Save
  9. Save/Reboot

Adsl Modem TP-Link

Default IP:
Default username: admin
Default password: admin

Setting Bridge:

  1. Klik Advanced Setup
  2. Klik WAN
  3. Find VPI/VCI: 0/35, Klik Edit
  4. ATM PVC Configuration, VPI=0; VCI=35, Service Category: UBR Without PCR, Next
  5. Connection Type Bridging, Encapsulation Mode LLC/SNAP-BRIDGING, Next
  6. Cheklist Enable Bridge Service, Service Name: Speedy, Next
  7. WAN Setup - Summary, Save
  8. Save/Reboot

Setting PPPoE:

  1. Klik Advanced Setup
  2. Klik WAN
  3. Find VPI/VCI: 0/35, Klik Edit
  4. ATM PVC Configuration, VPI=0; VCI=35, Service Category: UBR Without PCR, Next
  5. Connection Type PPP over Ethernet (PPPoE), Encapsulation Mode LLC/SNAP-BRIDGING, Next
  6. Put your PPP Username: nmrspeedy@telkom.net; PPP Password: (password dari telkom); PPPoE Service Name: Speedy, Next
  7. Cheklist Enable WAN Service, Service Name: Speedy, Next
  8. WAN Setup - Summary, Save
  9. Save/Reboot

Setting Modem Articonet ACN-100R dan ACN-110

Cara melakukan setting di komputer untuk akses ke modem Articonet.
Untuk setting di komputer dilakukan sesuai dengan operating system yang dipakai di komputer pelanggan, disini yang dibahas khusus untuk Windows XP.
Lakukan network setting di PC (komputer) sbb:

a. Start – Control Panel – Network Connection
b. arahkan kursor pada Local Area Connection yang aktif, kemudian klik kanan dan pilih properties
c. kemudian pilih menu Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) dan klik 2X, maka akan muncul menu General.
d. Pilih Obtain an IP Address Automatically kemudian pilih Obtain DNS server address automatically, kemudian tekan tombol OK.

Panduan cara setting modem ADSL Speedy koneksi PPPoE.(PPPoE)
Setting modem dilakukan melalui browser dengan mengakses alamat
Masukkan username dan password: admin/admin
Setelah masuk ke menu setting lakukan langkah berikut:
Masuk ke menu “Advanced Setup” kemudian pilih “WAN” dan klik tombol “Edit” disebelah kanan tabel WAN Masukkan nilai PVC Configuration: (masukkan nilainya sesuai wilayah TELKOM masing-masing daerah)
VPI = 0
VCI = 35
Service Category = UBR Without PCR, kemudian klik tombol Next
Connection type = PPPoE
Encapsulation = LLC, kemudian klik tombol Next
Masukkan username dan password Speedy, kemudian klik tombol Next
Tandai atau kasih v untuk pilihan “Enable WAN Service”, kemudian klik Next dan klik tombol Save
Setting PPPoE untuk koneksi Speedy telah selesai dilakukan
Selanjutnya klik tombol Save/Reboot
(Modem akan reboot -/+1 menit dan tunggu sampai modem normal kembali)

Berikut langkah setting modem ADSL Articonet untuk Dial-Up/Bridge.
Setting modem dilakukan melalui browser dengan mengakses alamat
Masukkan username dan password: admin/admin
Setelah masuk ke menu setting lakukan langkah berikut:
Masuk ke menu “Advanced Setup” kemudian pilih “WAN” dan klik tombol “Edit” Masukkan nilai PVC Configuration: (masukkan nilainya sesuai wilayah TELKOM masing-masing daerah)
VPI = 0
VCI = 35
Service Category = UBR Without PCR, kemudian klik tombol Next
Connection type = Bridging
Encapsulation = LLC, kemudian klik tombol Next
Tandai atau kasih v untuk pilihan “Enable Bridge Service”, kemudian klik Next dan klik tombol Save
Setting Bridge untuk koneksi Speedy telah selesai dilakukan
Selanjutnya klik tombol Save/Reboot
(Modem akan reboot -/+1 menit dan tunggu sampai modem normal kembali)

Setting modem Articonet untuk koneksi Bridging sudah selesai, langkah berikutnya setting koneksi Dial-Up di PC/komputer.

Panduan instalasi Dial Up koneksi ADSL menggunakan Windows 2000:

  1. Klik Start, klik Setting,klik Control Panel,
  2. Klik Network and Dial Up Connections.
  3. Klik Make New Connection, klik Next,
  4. Klik Dial Up to the Internet
  5. Klik I want to setup my internet manually, klik Next
  6. Klik I connect through a phone line and a modem klik Next
  7. Pilih dan klik modem ADSL yang sesuai
  8. Isi username:15xxxxxxxxxx@telkom.net
  9. Password: xxxxxxxx
  10. Klik OK dan Lanjutkan sesuai perintah yang muncul
  11. Klik Finish

Panduan installasi Dial Up koneksi ADSL menggunakan Windows Xp:

  1. Klik Start, klik Setting, klik Control Panel.
  2. Klik Network Connection
  3. Klik Create a New Connection, klik Next.
  4. Klik Connect to the Internet, klik Next
  5. Klik Setup my connection manually, klik Next
  6. Klik Connect Using Dial Up, klik Next
  7. Klik modem ADSL yang sesuai, klik Next
  8. Isi username: 15xxxxxxxxxx@telkom.net dan Password: *******
  9. Confirm password: xxxxxxxx
  10. kemudian beri tanda v pada pilihan “Add a shortcut to the desktop screen”
  11. Klik Finish

Parameter koneksi SPEEDY di Jawa Timur:

Referensi : http://www.telkomspeedy.com